noge]# perl -u -magic = | Simple SQLi Dumper v5.1 | | Coded by Vrs-hCk | = Help Command: -h, -help, -help URL: End Tag: -Attempting to find the magic nu mber. null column used for execute our SQL query. first of all we have to find null column (magic number). | -e sql injection end tag (default: "-") | | -d this option should not be used (default: | | -t table_name | | -c column_name (example: id,user,pass,email) | | -s SPACE code: +,/**/,%20 (default: "+") | | -f max field to get magic number (default: 123) | | -start row number to begin dumping data | | -stop row number to stop dumping | | -where your special dumping query | || | -info Get MySQL Information | | -dbase Concat Databases | | -table Concat Tables | | -column Concat Columns | | -tabcol Concat Tables with Columns | | -find Search Columns Name | | -magic Find Magic Number | | -dump Dump Data | | -brute Fuzzing Tables & Columns | || | -log file name to save ssdp data (default: ssdp.log) | | -p hostname:port | |-| noge]# perl -h |-|-| -| | Usage: perl | || | -u target with id parameter or sqli url with c0li string | SQL Injection - Operation System Function - Dump Database - Extract Database Schema - Search Columns Name - Read File (read only) - Create File (read only) - Brute Table & Column SSDp is an usefull penetration tool to find bugs, errors or vulnerabilities in MySQL database.
#Download sqli dumper for android how to#
USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK!! SSDp coded by Vrs-hCk ( anderantisecurityorg anderantisecurityorg ) SSDp How To by NoGe ( marioantisecurityorg marioantisecurityorg )

WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE OF ANY DAMAGE AND IMPROPERLY USE OF THIS TOOL. USE THIS TOOL FOR EDUCATION PURPOSE ONLY. SIMPLE SQLI DUMPER V5.1 Maby NoGe in Labels:vulnerabilities,linux,tutorial,mixed Labels:vulnerabilities,linux,tutorial,mixed tutorial 0